CIRDO : Compagnon Intelligent Réagissant au Doigt et à l’Oeil (Intelligent Finger and Eye Reacting Companion)

ANR TECSAN 2011-2014 (ANR-2010- TECS-012)

Project objectives

CIRDO Industrial Research is a project aimed at developing an “Intelligent Finger and Eye Reactive Companion” that represents an enhanced and automated social tele-link product through the integration of innovative services (automatic speech recognition, situation analysis (scenes) in a complex uncontrolled environment) aimed at promoting the autonomy and management by caregivers, patients with chronic diseases or Alzheimer’s or related disorders.
Moreover, this project will allow the validation of generic technologies, a psychological and ergonomic evaluation of the uses of the services developed (concerning utility, usability and accessibility, acceptance, ethical aspects, the economic model,…) but also critical surveys of the knowledge acquired by human services professionals (SAP), which will then be transferred to the entire sector.
During this project, GETALP will record speech with elderly volunteers. A brochure has been published to inform people who would like to participate in this experiment.

GETALP Participants

Michel Vacher (responsable), Solange Rossato, Francois Portet, Benjamin Lecouteux


  • Academic partners:University Lyon1/LIRIS SAARA team (project leader), CNRS/LIG GETALP team, University Lyon2/GRePS
  • Industrial Partners: CATEL, ISARP, Technosens, FSI
Official website of the project:

Cirdo Industrial Research

Main publications

Groupe d'Étude en Traduction Automatique/Traitement Automatisé des Langues et de la Parole