MISTRAL : Open Source Platform for Multimodal Biometrics

  • ANR Project
  • Keywords : biometrics, platform, open-source
  • Description : This project focuses on multimodal biometrics with partners such as LIA, EURECOM, IRIT and LIUM.
    The MISTRAL project offers an open-source software platform for biometric authentication. The objective of this project is to facilitate access to biometric technologies to the academic world (research and teaching centre) as well as to the industrial world by providing a complete, high-performance, modular software platform, easy to master and implement, capable of managing different biometric tasks and different environments.
    One of the expected outcomes of the project is the animation of a strong MISTRAL platform user community, composed of academic and industrial actors.
  • Contact : http://mistral.univ-avignon.fr/

Groupe d'Étude en Traduction Automatique/Traitement Automatisé des Langues et de la Parole